Wednesday 15 August 2018


credits: cbs ep 32

bienvenidos = welcome
hay un autobus que va alli? is there a bus that goes there?
la parada de autobuses esta a la derecha = the bus stop is on the right
saliendo del aeropuerto = going out of the airport
claro que si = yes of course
radar = to take
cuanto tiempo tardarĂ­amos ...? how long would we take
van a tardar una hora = you are going to take an hour
unos quince minutos = around 15 mins
una media hora = half an hour
los billetes de autobus cuestan = the bus tickets costs
es mas comodo y mas rapido = it's more comfortable and quicker
que tengan una buena estancia = have a nice stay

Sunday 1 July 2018


Hola! Mucho gusto!
Today I learned quite a few spanish words from a world cup themed song haha.
Tantos = so many
Pais = country
Mismas = same
Raises = roots
Juntos = together
Corazon= heart
Gritan = shout
Piel = skin
Juzgamos = judge
Balon = ball
Lugar = place
Sube = goes up
Mano = hand
Sube la mano = raise your hand
Me encanta este feeling = i love this feeling

infographic - free time